We are always happy to help perspective residents and their families find financial options for funding assisted living services. The following financial services and benefits programs have proven beneficial in helping some of our families find ways to pay for assisted living services.
Life Care Funding Group will liquidate an existing life insurance policy in as little as 30-90 days for a lump sum payment much higher than the cash surrender value. Eligibility includes:
• Age 55 or older.
• Any type of Life Insurance policy (no minimum policy size).
• A Life Settlement is the sale of an asset, not a loan, and has no restrictions on use of money or requirements to be secured or
paid back.
• The policy owner is no longer responsible for paying premiums
once a Life Settlement is complete.
To learn more about Life Settlements as a source of funds, visit
Life Care Funding Group at www.lifecarefunding.com, call (888) 670-7773, or email info@lifecarefunding.com.
This Veterans Administration benefit may pay $1,094 to $2,020 per month for wartime veterans or their spouses, if eligible. Please ask us for a referral to a local VA representative to explore this option.
Call (800) 827-1000 or visit www.veteransaid.org.
We encourage you to explore all of your financial options and to visit the informative websites of these financial service providers and government services who specialize in serving the families of seniors. These are just some of the options available. We encourage your family to review all options at your disposal.
Our staff is ready to work with you, answer your questions.
To learn more, call us today at (207) 347-2306.